Noi di Style House abbiamo voluto partecipare a questo evento perché credevamo tantissimo nelle sue potenzialità. E le nostre aspettative non sono state deluse: la forza, la bellezza e l’originalità dei nostri prodotti ci ha permesso di acquisire nuovi clienti e di rafforzare i rapporti con le realtà aziendali con cui lavoriamo quotidianamente. Sono stati quattro giorni di duro lavoro ben ripagato che hanno anche rafforzato il nostro team. La presentazione della linea Solid Light ha suscitato curiosità e interesse e la particolarità dello stand Style House ha attratto parecchi visitatori. Adesso cercheremo di sfruttare tutte le opportunità offerte dal MADE expo per dare solo il meglio a tutti i nostri clienti.
[creativeslider id=”4″][:en]The data provided by the MADE expo confirm that also this edition did not let down the exhibitors’ no’ visitors’ expectations. Numbers and business opportunities are the two words that characterized the event. More than 208.000 visitors underlined the key role of the ehibition for the revival of an important sector of the global economy. In MADE expo were more than 1.450 companies who believed in it, 279 of them are new comers.
We as Style House wanted to partecipate, because we very much believed in its potentiality. our expectations have not been disappointed: the strength, the beauty and the originality of our products that allow us to acquire new customers and to reinforce the relation with companies we work with daily. They were four days of hard work so well rewarded that also have reinforced our team. The presentantion of the line solid light has attracted curiosity and interest and the peculiarity of the style house has attracted many visitors. Now we will seek to fully exploit all the opportunities provided by the made expo in order to give only the best to our customers.
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